Penetration Testing

Remote Access Testing

Remote Access Solutions give your staff convenience when accessing internal systems and data. However, this now introduces a new attack surface for hackers. We perform security reviews and break out tests and against your remote access solutions such as Citrix to help you protect your systems.

Everything You Need To Know

Remote Access Testing
What is Remote Access Testing?

Remote Access Testing is an exercise performed against your remote desktop environments such as Citrix and other restricted environments. It identifies any weaknesses that you may have in the systems being implemented to protect them against malicious attackers on the internet.  

Who needs Remote Access Testing?

Organisations that use Remote Access solutions so that their staff can access IT systems and corporate data require a security audit against the systems. 

How are they performed?

A Remote Access Assessment will be performed offsite against the target systems that you detail in the scoping phase. You will then be given a final comprehensive report after the assessment. As well as this we will give you on the fly results allowing you to start remediation promptly.

What do you need to do next?

Give us a call and we can arrange a meeting with you to discuss what service you may require. After we know your needs and have scoped the assessment then we can give you a quote and a statement of work.

remote access vulnerabilities we frequently discover

Weak passwords set for users which allow attackers to log in to the remote desktop environment.

We frequently see that two factor authentication (2fa) is not being used to secure your users. We assess your implementation of 2fa to ensure that it is configured correctly.

Users often have overly excessive access to systems that they do not need access to, therefore we test the segmentation for you.

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