Frequently asked questions

Security Testing with Moztech provides you with a 360 degree view of your businesses security posture. Our CREST Accredited Security Consultants will identify and evaluate security vulnerabilities and potential  risks. Get in touch now for more information.


  • General
  • Penetration Testing
  • Build & Configuration Reviews
  • Vulnerability Scanning

Penetration Testing, otherwise known as ‘Pen Testing’ or ‘Ethical Hacking’ is a method used by cyber security professionals, where a controlled, real-life cyber attack is staged to attempt to “break” into a companies computer system, web application or network to assess the current security stance. 

The primary goal is to identify any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities within an organisations security posture than can be exploited by online attackers.

Our team of security experts can either use leading software to automatically perform a pen test, or they can do this manually. Information will be gathered beforehand to ensure the test is thorough.

We will then mimic techniques that real life cyber criminals use without causing any damage. Any entry points or vulnerabilities that leave you exposed will be identified and then a report on our findings will be submitted. 

Cyber attacks are quickly becoming an everyday occurrence. Even large corporations think they’re safe from malicious attacks, but time and time again are let down by vulnerabilities and weaknesses within systems that go under the radar.

It is now more important than ever for organisations to perform regular penetrations tests to ensure infrastructures are secure against potential cyber threats.

Not only does penetration testing enable compliance with security regulations but also offers your company insightful and detailed information on their current security posture, identifying weak spots and the potential impact it can have on business functions and performance. 

We believe that prevention is better than cure, so book your free consultation now and take your cyber security to the next level. 

Vulnerability Scanning is an automated testing technique used by cyber security experts to uncover and identify pre-existing vulnerabilities within an organisations network or systems, that can leave you exposed to potential cyber security breaches which may cause damaging effects to day-to-day business functions. 

The primary goal is to identify any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities within an organisations security posture than can be exploited by online attackers.

Our team of cyber security professionals will use automated methods to scan both internal and external infrastructures for industry-known vulnerabilities.

The main focus of vulnerability scanning is to identify any potential issues that are present within an organisations systems, networks or web applications that can leave them open to potential cyber attacks. 

We will then mimic techniques that real life cyber criminals use without causing any damage. Any entry points or vulnerabilities that leave you exposed will be identified and then a report on our findings will be submitted. 

As online threats become more prominent each day, understanding your security stance and where it can be improved is becoming increasingly important. Organisations with public servers or interactive websites would benefit from Vulnerability Scanning.

Vulnerability Scanning is a cost-effective method of analysing your current security posture, enabling full visibility which allows for the planning and implementation of a more secure defence strategy to ensure you are protected from the most common and newly exploitable vulnerabilities that can potentially cause detrimental damage to businesses of all sizes. 

It is now more important than ever for organisations to perform regular penetrations tests to ensure infrastructures are secure against potential cyber threats.

Not only does Vulnerability Scanning enable compliance with industry best practice but also offers your company insightful and comprehensive information on their current security posture, identifying common vulnerabilities that are widely know within the cyber security industry that can potentially be exploited.

We believe that prevention is better than cure, so book your free consultation now and take your cyber security to the next level.

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